9th of May

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On May 8, 1945, was signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. An act that marked the end of World War II on the European war theater (but not in Asia). CIS countries mark “Victory Day” on this day, and those in the European Union, Europe Day, an annual celebration of peace and unity in the EU.

Every year, the President Igor Dodon organizes concerts with the participation of artists from Russia. For this reason, actions related to Europe Day, which is marked on the same date, are organized on other days, May 8 or 10. Igor Dodon does not miss any opportunity to promote Soviet holidays, for the satisfaction of the pro-Russian electorate.

Relevant sources:

1. https://moldova.europalibera.org/a/ziua-de-9-mai-la-chi%C8%99in%C4%83u—amestec-de-istorie-pomp%C4%83-%C8%99i-miting-popular—fotoreportaj-de–vasile-bortanu/29930565.html

2. https://adevarul.ro/moldova/politica/video-dodon-pregatiri-ziua-9-mai-presedintele-invitat-o-chisinau-interpreta-rusa-valeria-1_5cc6bd24445219c57e13cd8a/index.html

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