Mark Tkaciuk, former MP and former member of Communist Party, anthropologist

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Mark Tkaciuk was born on September 26, 1966 in Soroca. He is a politician from the Republic of Moldova, was a member of the Moldova Parliament from 2001-2002 and 2009-2014, but also was the counselor of the President of the Republic of Moldova – Vladimir Voronin for internal policy issues, from 2002 to 2008. Mark Tkaciuk was considered and nicknamed “the ideologist, the strategist, the brain, the shadow cardinal of the Communist Party of Moldova.

In 2001 he was one of the campaign chiefs of the PCRM election campaign. He was subsequently elected five times in the Parliament on the Communist lists. Twice, in 2001 and 2005 he resigned from his mandate in favor of the position of presidential adviser to Vladimir Voronin.

In an interview on September 11, 2014 Tkaciuk stated that he is retiring from politics and that he will devote his activity to further scientific work and he will no longer collaborate with any politician or party.

However, in early July 2019, former PCRM ideologist Mark Tkaciuk and former Communist executive secretary Iurie Muntean announced that they are launching a new type political party called the Joint Action Party – the Civic Congress, which will be targeted by left and will aim to “solve the social interests of the country which are not matter of interests for other parties.” The public and experts’ comments on the party’s launch ranged from “a new Moscow project” to “an anti-Russian political project”.

A few weeks earlier, Tkaciuk was accused of secretly meeting with Dmitri Kozak, the special representative of the Russian president for developing trade relations with the Republic of Moldova. Kozak has a crucial role on changing the governing formula in Chisinau after the 2019 parliamentary elections. 

Tkaciuk held the term of MP in the Parliament until he resigned last time on May 23, 2014. In 2014, Mark Tkaciuk and Iurie Muntean were excluded from the Communists Party Executive Committee, and later they lost the party members capacity after a dispute with the party leader Vladimir Voronin. The two communists, but also Grigori Petrenko fell into disgrace and were accused of being part of a radical left-wing organization.

Media references:Întrevedere-discretă-Dmitri-Kozak-s-ar-fi-întâlnit-cu-Mark-Tkaciuk.htm

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