Irina Astahova is the head of the press service of the Socialist Party of Moldova. From 2001-2013 he was the editor-in-chief of the weekly «Кишиневский обозреватель».
After stopping the activity of the newspaper and until coming to the Socialist Party, she was at the head of Among the founders of the portal are companies that are related to the DAAC group, which is managed by Vasile Chirtoca. In April 2015 he was the candidate of the Communists for the position of mayor of the Chisinau.
In 2016, in Moldova was founded a branch of the Izborsk club. The president of the branch was elected Bogdan Țârdea, currently a member of the PSRM. The function of information coordinator was given to Irina Astahova. The club was created in Russia in 2012. In the opinion of the German politician, Andreas Umland the club’s members are people who support Vladimir Putin’s regime.