Minister Borodyansky about creating a russian-language channel: I would not hurry

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The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport of Ukraine, Vladimir Borodyansky, says that the launch of a Ukrainian, russian-language television channel is not the only possible instrument for fulfilling the task set by the project’s ideologies and pleads first to establish its feasibility.

In an interview for “” answering a question about the idea of ​​creating such a television channel, he said: “I would not hurry, because the new platforms are an instrument and the channel in Russian is, also just an instrument. Let’s see first, what purpose we have set for ourselves. “At the same time, commenting on the words of the project ideologists as this project is necessary to restore the critical thinking of the people living in the occupied areas, the minister asked:” What does it mean to “restore thinking”? How will we measure this? “

Earlier, it was mentioned that during the election campaign in march this year, the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, announced his intention to create a Russian-language channel to broadcast on the territory of Crimeea and Donbass, in the EU, US and Israel, to show the correct and pragmatic reality of Ukraine.


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