NTV Moldova

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NTV Moldova is a television broadcast from the Russian Federation, which operates on a license basis, granted by the Audiovisual Council.
NTV Moldova broadcasts news programs and talk shows and propaganda through which the actions of the Russian Federation are promoted internationally, including military aggression in Ukraine and other areas.
NTV Moldova also promotes Russia’s official policy in local production news and broadcasts. Most of the news and published materials are aimed at over-promoting the PSRM and Igor Dodon.

License: RM no. AC 000094, valid until 08.12.21
Format: Generalist
Web address: http://ntv.md
Management company: PP “Exclusiv Media” SRL
Administrator: Petru Burduja, PSRM deputy, founder of the Publication Newspaper “ПАНОРАМА”

Founder of PP “Exclusiv Media” SRL;
Corneliu Furculita , PSRM deputy.

News about NTV Moldova:
Багамский европровод социалистов Додона

Russian Off-Shore Funding of Igor Dodon’s election campaign

Accent-TV и «НТВ-Молдова» получили предупреждение. КСТР наказал телеканалы за дискриминационные сюжеты

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